Monday, July 20, 2009

Two Observations About Discrimination

I've noticed a couple of interesting things about discrimination here:

1) In the newspaper, there are job notices. Some of these include very specific criteria, such as "woman, aged 20-25, looks nice, college degree." I was rather surprised to find that you can specify not only the gender of the person you want to hire, but also the age, and also hire based on physical appearance.

2) One thing I've really come to appreciate about living in the barrio is that there is no discrimination of people based on skin color. A person as light-skinned as me could marry someone with very dark skin, and no one would even think to care. There are all shades of skin represented here, and everyone just lives together without even thinking of segregating based on that. It's very refreshing and encouraging. I think it also generates, or perhaps is evidence of, a stronger sense of community.

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